Software downloads


Use Convene on your preferred meeting device

Start using the Convene Board Portal today!

You will need a Convene account to use the downloaded application as we need to create a secure instance for your meetings and documents. If you haven’t done so, you can request a Free Trial.

If you need help setting up Convene, our support staff are at hand to help. Contact Now.

google play

Convene For Android

Convene For Android

Recommended: Android 10 or above, at least 4GB RAM
Latest Version:  v8.1.208637


app store

Convene For iOS

Convene For iOS
Device: iPadOS14 and above, at least 3 GB of RAM
Device: iPhones
iOS 14 and above, at least 2 GB of RAM
Latest Version: v8.2.100592 


windows download

Convene for Windows

Convene for Windows
Desktops, Laptops, and Surface Pro 

Processor: Intel x64 / AMD x64 / ARM processor. 1Ghz or faster.
Operating System: For Intel or AMD processor, requires Windows 10 (64-bit) / later. For ARM processor, requires Windows 11 or later.
Screen Resolution: At least 1024 x 768
Memory: At least 4GB of RAM
Application Size: ~300MB
Latest Version: v8.2.112571


Microsoft installer or MSI
Contact us
 if you need a Windows Installer File (*.msi) to distribute the Convene Windows app within your organization.


Convene for Mac

Convene for Mac

Mac computers with an Intel processor
Operating System: OS X 10.10 or later

Screen Resolution: At least 1024 x 768
Application Size: ~250MB
Latest Version: v8.2.112571


Mac computers with Apple silicon
Operating System: OS X 10.10 or later

Screen Resolution: At least 1024 x 768
Application Size: ~250MB
Latest Version: v8.2.112571