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Streamline your meetings process with Convene

At Convene, we understand how important it is that your meetings are efficient and dynamic. Our smart, simple and secure board portal will support your trustees in their mission to make a change.

Convene’s seamless board management solution is designed to ensure productive board meetings. Support your trustees and executive team with the intuitive interface and get the most from every project you deliver. Our software is already trusted by numerous not-for-profit associations around the world. CMMI Level 5 accreditation,
you can rest assured your meetings and sensitive information are safe and secure.

We look forward to translating our knowledge and experience into more successful board meetings for your organisation. Learn how Convene can help you to streamline your meetings, increase productivity and enhance communication.

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English Heritage Comic Relief World YMCA Big Lottery Fund Joseph Rowntree Foundation Action Aid British Heart Foundation


WORD FROM OUR Charity and not-for-profit Customers

Read about how Convene supports a number of prestigious organisations improve administrative efficiency, save paper, and enhance your organisation's governance practices.

  • Jacky Tiotto, COO - CAFCASS

    Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service

    We spoke to Elizabeth Morrison, Board, and Corporate Support Assistant at CAFCASS, on the business case for switching to Convene.

    "Going back to the old way of doing things would be much slower. We worked out the average board pack was 100 sheets, so with 13 board members that’s 1,300 pieces of paper. It took us up to a whole day to produce meeting packs for one meeting. Whereas with Convene is takes maybe half an hour, if that."

    Image: Jacky Tiotto, COO 

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  • Comic Relief Trustee, Tim Davie

    Comic Relief

    We spoke to Sarah Kucera, Board Secretary, and Gita Van Bilsen, Executive Assistant, at Comic Relief, about their journey to digital meetings and their advice to other charities.

    "We did have a request from a new trustee for a paper pack, but we explained that Convene would enable her to annotate on her documents digitally and that she could get updated documents immediately.

    She was reassured by that, and we were pleased because we didn’t want to take any steps backward from the progress we’d made. Our trustees and admin particularly like that documents can be attached to agenda items. It makes navigation very easy during a meeting..."

    Image: Tim Davie, Chair

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  • Walsingham Support - Ravanti Halai

    Walsingham Support

    We spoke to Ravanti Halai, Executive Manager - ELT & Board at Walsingham Support.

    "Despite the difficulties we were facing with the paper based processes, I thought that it might be easier to stick to our traditional methods, however Convene has turned out to be a godsend, and I’ve used that exact word on several occasions!"


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  • Carlos Sanvee, Secretary-General, World YMCA

    World YMCA

    Effective presenting tools and simple agenda

    Claude-Alain Danthe from YMCA says:

    "With Convene, document share and accessibility is streamlined and there is the added benefit of being able to highlight and annotate documents in real time. Everyone is quite literally on the same page with documentation. We know that the agenda we are working from is the latest version, so it is like working on a large document system. "

    With their meeting packs comprising of up to 400 pages, trustees would find it very hard to read and annotate these documents on paper, Dropbox, or email format. Convene provides a table of contents, and annotation tools, making it easier than ever to read and annotate meeting packs. Annotations can then be shared with all participants or kept private. 

    Presenters can control other participants screens during the meeting, meaning that everyone can follow the topic of discussion easily.

    Image: Carlos Sanvee, Secretary-General

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Awards & Accreditations
SOC2-225x ISO-9001-203x115 ssae500-181x148 iso-27001-logo-300 it-europa-2018-winner Cyber-Essentials-Badge ISO4001-logo-107 CCS-124x CMMI5-logo-249