Convene Customer Success
At Arbuthnot, we have two boards, Arbuthnot Group, the Parent Company, which has seven Board members including the Company Secretary. Then we have Arbuthnot Latham which has twelve Board members including the Company Secretary. Our two Boards meet on a quarterly basis, and we have a busy calendar of board meetings with our subsidiary companies which can range from 10 to 25 people attending a meeting, and Convene is used for all these meetings.
We also have various board/subsidiary committee meetings on a regular basis. There were 33 Convene licenses running when I joined Arbuthnot, and this has grown to our current total of 53.
Convene's use has also grown by reputation here too, with attendees at one meeting seeing the values of Convene in action, and then being quick to recommend its use for other meetings.
To cut down on paper use and printing costs and to be able to make documents and board packs accessible. Before Convene, board packs were arriving by post. This still happens occasionally, and a couple of our Board members prefer paper to digital, but with Convene there is still the option to print for anyone with a preference for hard copies.
There has definitely been a reduction in paper use and printing costs. We also like the Notes and Annotations feature where one person is able to annotate a document which can then be viewed by everyone. We like the fact that information is accessible and visible to all attendees. The more technology biased employees here like that they can access Convene remotely on offline devices such as iPads and others.
The ability to join meetings and work remotely is very beneficial. Another aspect is the cost. We find Convene to be very good from a cost perspective.
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