Mark Briegal chair, GB Archery

Convene Customer Success

Archery GB

We spoke to the company secretary at Archery GB to understand how Convene has ensured high levels of data security for their Board and Committees

Image: Mark Briegal - Chair and Independent Director

"It was clear that a system that could enhance security was of immediate value to Archery GB as a governance organisation."


Please describe the situation pre-Convene

I took over as Company Secretary in April.  As someone with a legal background, my immediate concern was that email was used for disseminating confidential information. This was the case with Board papers which of course carried a risk of a security breach if they were accessed by someone other than the intended recipient if for example, a laptop was left open on a desk, or mislaid offsite.

There was also a data control issue.  If an individual left or Director status changed, it was not possible to track what data remained on their laptop, which meant that confidentiality could not be guaranteed.

We receive a lot of requests for access to information, so it’s vital that information is accessible to the intended audience only. It was clear that a system that could enhance security was of immediate value to Archery GB as a governance organisation.  

Was Data Security a priority when deciding to implement Convene?

As a National Governing body, we have a number of committees within Archery GB - including audit and risk committees, Board committees, Nominations and Remuneration Committees - so there is a large and constant information flow within our organisation. A large proportion of our data is confidential by nature, so secure access to information is imperative.

With Convene, our security is protected and maintained.  We were recently audited by UK Sport and with Convene, we were able to prepare the documents in PDF format for the auditors to review.  Because UK Sport are one of our stakeholders, it was very helpful to be able to respond quickly to requests for access to information.

Which Convene features have you found most useful?

We like the Notes and Annotations feature where attendees are able to annotate documents during meetings.   We find that this encourages attendees to think about important questions prior to meetings and to be able to note them directly onto meeting papers.  The ability to dial in to Convene remotely is of benefit for example in a situation where someone is unable to attend a meeting in person due to injury.

Overall, how has Convene been received as a solution within Archery GB?

Convene has been well received, and the majority of people have got used to the system. Aside from the occasional user query, we have not had any need to contact Support. The system is very intuitive and user friendly.

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