Madeleine Nelson COO Citizen housing

Convene Customer Success

Averroes Capital

Sabrina Wangday - Executive Assistant at Averroes Capital - explains how they have benefited since using Convene

“Convene helps a lot with compliance since the system allows you to set up the Board pack there, the meeting minutes are signed and also stored there, so essentially it’s a single library for all the vital information.”


Please describe your meeting processes before implementing Convene

I joined in 2020, and it was already being used by our Managing Partner who had held one or two board meetings on Convene. The Managing Partner liked the fact that everything was stored in one location and that everyone was aware that all information was held in one central secure repository.

Convene is used for our monthly Board and to share and file the materials, for example the Board pack that we have created. We also use it for the signing of minutes and any resolutions that may be agreed. I am able to control when and how the Board packs are collated, as well as how everyone sees them. It’s great for the presenter because when the meeting is running everyone else follows along in a streamlined way. 

How has Convene helped during the pandemic?

We haven’t had an in-person Board meeting yet. They have all been over Zoom so if we didn’t have Convene, we would have had to rely on Zoom for sharing screens.  The minutes would then have to be circulated via another system.

How was Convene received by your users?

There are times when users are not sure of the rationale behind the system, but this can be due to the fact that they don’t work in the back office of compliance, therefore they are not responsible for the documentation in the same way and hence don’t instantly appreciate the necessity of the system.

There have been questions from some of our newer employees as to why it is not possible to share information on Zoom. Once they are familiar with the benefits of the solution the rationale becomes clearer. Having the Board pack there with the minutes signed is vital for running the company, but naturally this is not something that is understood by all from the outset.

What is your overall impression of the system?

The fact that Convene is interactive is significant for me. For example, when I’m in a Board meeting and they need me to pull up another document I know that I can go into the system administration and select the required document which will appear in the Board pack. That allows for greater control over the flow of information. As far as features are concerned, the Agenda function allows me to easily move documents around using drag and drop. We use the Document Library for information storage, so that is another feature we find helpful.


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