Angela Burrows - Crosskeys Homes

Convene Customer Success

WH Malcolm Group

We spoke with Lucy Strachan- Group Legal Counsel for WH Malcolm Group - about how Convene has helped them both during the Pandemic and in advancing towards their ESG goals.

“Having worked with Convene in three different sectors, I would say that it’s a tool for everyone.  It provided all the functionality that we needed. ”


How many Board meetings do you hold per year?

We have six meetings per annum, and we also have divisional Boards that take place frequently throughout the year.

What were the main drivers behind the decision to implement a Board solution?

A key one was our desire to move away from paper onto a digital solution to reduce waste and to have a central system for all important information. So, it was a case of ESG based initiatives to reduce waste, and to increase efficiency at the same time. If a system were brought in at Board level, this would be shaping the organisation’s approach in terms of making a shift towards a “greener” and more efficient environment.

I brought Convene into WHM having seen the benefits of it in my previous role. Discussions were going on when I came into role as to how meeting software would benefit WHM, and having been a Convene user previously, I thought that it would be the ideal solution.

Is ESG a current priority within WHM?

Yes absolutely, it’s a very high priority at Board level and we have just brought in an ESG consultancy to look at strategic measure around this. A number of initiatives are already in place across the business, and we are looking at plans as to how to implement further measures going forward. It’s very exciting to be involved in the innovation of ESG practices, which Convene is very helpful with.

We will be considering a range of KPI’s and targets, and we need to examine how we monitor and progress these and the Board will be particularly keen to see how these efforts will impact the organisation.

Which Convene features have you found the most useful?

I had not previously used the Minutes function, so that is the one I have encountered most recently. It’s helpful to have everything set up each time and ready for the next meeting, as well as being able to put up meeting minutes for people to review and make any mark ups in the actual system.

We also make use of the Document Library and thanks to this I no longer send out any documents/large numbers of attachments via email, instead directing people to where a particular document has been stored. We also like the two-factor authentication for additional security. As someone with a legal background, data protection is a critical factor in business operations.

How did Convene help during the pandemic?

In my previous role, online meetings were an absolute necessity during that period, and Convene made the process straightforward. The fact that it was already in operation pre pandemic made it easier to continue with holding digital meetings without needing to make a transition from face to face to online at a very pressured time.

Having Convene in place made it easier for Board members to fulfil their functions and know that they were able to connect with employees seamlessly with online meetings. During the pandemic, the number of meetings significantly increased, so having the system in place helped with the increased meeting component.

What was the feedback from the employee base and Board members post implementation?

It was very positive. They found it very user friendly. Once it was installed, even employees who found technology challenging in general were able to use it without any concerns. Everyone is very supportive of the system and are keen to be progressing with technology in this way. Convene is very helpful when it comes to managing and distributing meeting minutes as well as approvals through the system and to have a good level of standardisation of the process overall.

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