We are proud to be an endorser and support the SRS (Sustainability Reporting Standard) alongside RITTERWALD'S Certified Sustainable Housing Label on our platform:
Create unlimited accounts for all users
Add one or multiple colleagues to an SRS theme
Set your due date for when all data should be in by
Automated email reminders will be triggered as per your due date
While introducing a new system may seem daunting, our team will be on hand to help you during the initial onboarding
Unlimited remote training sessions will also be made available for any users needing a one-on-one
Forms for data collection are pre-formatted and aligned to the SRS
Prepare for future auditing requirements by uploading evidence files
As endorsers of the SRS, we are committed to making sure you are always on the most up-to-date version of the standard
Available to download in a Word document and Excel Input Tool
An editable format allows you to circulate it internally with the confidence of knowing everyone is looking at the same data
Click here to see a sample of the report you can download
Set your data collection at an annual, quarterly or monthly basis
Drill down on your ESG performance through time
Strengthen your data governance with greater traceability and accountability
Arturo Dell
Gemma Walford
Having become the first housing provider in the midlands to received the Certified Sustainable Housing Label from RITTERWALD, Jo Shields, Head of Sustainability & ESG at Walsall Housing Group sat down for an interview with Arturo Dell.
Hear from Jo as she recalls her experience in becoming the first to pilot RITTERWALD's certification process on Convene ESG. What advice she has for other housing associations seeking to embrace a reporting platform and her thoughts on the chainging ESG landscape.
Sign up to our monthly webinar series to hear from industry experts across the ESG space. Previous guests include Luke Cross from Social and Drs. Ad Hereijgers from RITTERWALD.
Join the waiting list for our upcoming ESG networking events taking place at the stunning House of St Barnabas.
See what conferences we will be exhibiting at and catch our key takeaways and highlights from past conferences.
The Sustainability Reporting Standard (SRS) is a voluntary ESG reporting framework that has been specifically designed for the Social Housing sector in the UK. The reporting standard comprises of 48 ESG criteria across 12 different themes.
The 48 criteria are divided into 30 ‘Core’ criteria and 18 ‘Enhanced’ criteria, including both quantitative and qualitative measures.
The Standard was set up in response to concerns that ESG investment in the social housing sector was being inhibited by the absence of a common reporting standard.
Since its launch, 80+ housing associations have begun reporting to the SRS with this number only expected to grow
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