Azeus Convene has been operating in the UK for a few years now. In this short time, we have accumulated many clients in the United Kingdom and the EU and realised the need for a dedicated website to make the procurement process easier.
Meetings take place around the world, but not every company has the same implementation or usage strategy when it comes to a digital meeting solution. Digitalisation moves at a different pace around the globe and we found that a majority of companies want to start by finding a solution that enables paperless meetings and moves that process to the cloud.
Board packs printed on paper can have as many as 250 pages, according to Tomorrow’s Company. This is because of regulations, reforms and ethical practices that have shifted priority from performance to stewardship of the company. Unfortunately, this means that members of the board and senior managers have to had to add ‘weight-lifting’ to their skill set. And this does seem unnecessary when all members of the board and senior managers work on either laptops, tablets or smart phones (sometime on all three!).
For many companies, ‘braving the digital revolution’, is not only about their products but business operations as well. This means looking into solutions that make operations more efficient as well as sustainable.
Convene has helped European and British boards lead from the top, when it comes to digitalisation, as in case of Buckinghamshire County Council. We even enabled Tesco to have digital meetings on their own products that ran the Android OS.
This year we saved a client 60,800 pages of paper for a single meeting. All it took was installing an app and a 30 minute training session for some. As one client said: “If you can install Angry Birds, you can install Convene.”
And our dedication to sustainability, a lovely ‘side-effect’ of digital efficiency, has even led us to printing our business cards on recycled paper that when planted, will sprout flowers.
We hope that you will find it easier to get the information you want from our new website and are open to any feedback you may have.
Don’t forget, you can still access our international site here or even our French website here.