Last week, Convene sponsored the 2022 ICGN Proxy Voting Conference. It was full of informative talks and we want to thank all of the speakers and attendees for their engagement. We would also like to thank the ICGN for putting on a fantastic conference and awards ceremony.
The morning focused mainly on ESG and what the future of ESG is for investors and in the boardroom. There were also many discussions about the importance of collaboration and the role of proxy voters and investors in this.
The afternoon focused in more on the role of proxy voters for their investors and the importance of engaging with the Board. Followed by an award's ceremony, and we would like to congratulate everyone on their hard work this past year.
At Convene, easing Board Communications and ESG Reporting is at the forefront of our software development. Our award-winning Board Portal is already trusted by leading FTSE 500 companies and has been proven to improve collaboration and streamline meeting processes. Furthermore, Convene is now available fully integrated with Microsoft Teams, so you can have your workflow all in one place.
If you would like to learn more please do not hesitate to contact us or read our customer testimonies.