Our ESG Webinar today was well attended, for those of you who signed up but were unable to make it, be sure to check your inbox for a link to the video. Once again we were joined by Arturo Dell, our Convene ESG consultant and also a Housemark Director, and Russell Smith from Orbit Housing who has recently used Convene ESG to produce their latest SRS Report.
In this webinar we discussed the importance of the SRS and the challenges around gathering information for SRS and ESG reports. There are limitations on how easy it is to coordinate the volume of information coming in from different departments to compile the reports. Russell Smith then explained how easy with Convene ESG it was to start to compile all the data. With Convene ESG the relevant parties only see the metrics that are unique to them, this means no more confusion or 18 tabs open at once!
We also discussed the future of ESG in terms of the economic, cost-of-living and energy crisis. There is a real debate happening right now about whether the energy metrics should move from the environmental to social section of any ESG metrics because of the impact on the cost-of-living. It is likely that with the situation that is currently arising and getting progressively worse, ESG will be more and more at the forefront of any business processes.
If you would like to learn more about Convene ESG please sign up to one of our weekly SRS Surgeries, book a demo or if you would like to be part of our development of our new Carbon Calculator please get in touch. Also keep an eye out on our LinkedIn and in your Inbox for our next webinar!