On Friday 22 April, Convene attended the CGI ESG Summit. It was a chance for us to connect with people who share our passion for changing the future of governance and ESG.
As ESG concerns become increasingly urgent, everyone has to come together to make a difference. In the wake of COP26 and the 2021 IPCC Report, organisations around the world are responding to stakeholder demands for change.
The main focus of the conference was how governance frameworks should respond to these new demands. It is a time filled with risks and opportunities.
Many of the talks asked the same question: where do we go from here? Following new policy developments, organisations across different sectors must understand what practical steps to take. Speakers addressed social governance, activism, greenwashing, board structure and ESG reporting - all with the goal of reaching net zero.
At Convene, we have been working on our own reporting tool and are proud to introduce Convene ESG. Our aim is to alleviate some of the challenges of data gathering, performance tracking, and reporting so organisations can move towards net zero.
We are currently working with a number of existing Convene housing customers as part of our early adopters programme. Through their valuable feedback, we will together continue to develop and fine-tune our platform, delivering a robust end-to-end ESG experience.
Talking to people at this summit reminded us at Convene how important it is for consumers, investors, employees and regulators to take positive steps towards a better future. It was great to meet so many people who are so passionate about collaboration.
Thank you to everyone involved in the conference! We look forward to learning more about the future of governance at the Governance Ireland Summit on May 10.