On 6 December 2022, Convene sponsored and participated in the NHF’s National Smaller Housing Associations’ Conference and Exhibition. Having attended the conference last year and had a valuable time, we were excited to once again dive into the world of smaller Housing Associations.

In a time of instability, many are looking to Housing Associations to provide assurance. For smaller associations, this brings new challenges as they must balance different aspects of governance successfully. From talks on strengthening affordable housing to maintaining business continuity, the conference was an amazing showcase of the resilience of the sector.

Convene’s own consultant, Arturo Dell, chaired an engaging breakout session on how smaller Housing Associations can interact with Environmental, Social and Governance issues. The discussion considered how ESG reporting can be the key to meeting expectations. Arturo led the group in talking over some useful starting points for creating your own ESG metrics and using them to improve your organisation.

ESG reporting is an aspect of governance that is essential to any Housing Association. At Convene, we have developed our own ESG reporting tool: Convene ESG. The software is designed to alleviate some of the challenges of tracking ESG data so Housing Associations can move towards net zero.

Working with our customers in the Housing sector, we have tailored the tool to provide features that actually matter to associations. Organisations are able to track progress, set goals, see best practice and produce a ‘funding-ready’ SRS report

Our passion for streamlining Housing governance is inspired by the number of clients we enjoy working with in the Housing sector. The future of the industry is extremely important to us: from the largest Housing Association to the smallest.

The conference has once again reminded us of the exciting future for the sector. Thank you to everyone involved in the event, we hope to see you again next year! If you are interested in our ESG tool or our award-winning Board Portal, don’t hesitate to contact us or book a demo! See what Convene can do for your Housing Association today!

Lucy Palmer

Written by Lucy Palmer

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