Sports England released a new code of Governance on the 31st of October 2016, which applies to any sports organisation that is applying for or in receipt of funding via Sport England or the National Lottery.
The code is made up of 3 Tiers
Tier 1 organisations in receipt of any grant(s) up to £250K
Tier 2 organisations in receipt of grant(s) £250K to £1m
Tier 3 organisations in receipt of grant(s) totalling £1m or moreThe code applies to all organizations regardless of size or sector and it includes all levels. From national governing bodies of sports, clubs, charities and local authorities.
Within the document there are 3 tiers of organizations these are classed by the amount of grant money they receive from Sports England or the Government the minimum requirements apply to all tiers including Tier 1 which will be the majority of organisations who receive money from the funding bodies.
The minimum requirements are:
- The organisation is properly constituted, has a clear purpose and, if membership based, is inclusive and accessible.
- The governing committee meets regularly and decision making is recorded.
- Conflicts of interest are recognised, managed by the chair and recorded. At least three of the people on the committee are unrelated or non- cohabiting.
- In deciding who sits on its governing committee the organisation considers the skills and diversity required of its committee members.
- Committee members are subject to regular election and ideally should serve no more than nine years.
- The organisation has a bank account and two independent signatories are required for payments.
- Annual accounts are prepared, scrutinised independently of the person responsible for nance (e.g. treasurer) and are made available to members to describe how money has been spent.
Sport England will monitor compliance to the governance requirements and will release seperate guidance on how they intend this to be done.
How can Convene help?
We are looking at the governance requirements to see how our solution can help. In particular we are looking at what would be needed to meet the governance requirements of a Tier 1 organisation and how we can provide a no cost solution to meet this need.
You can read the document for youself by downloading it from Sport England