Recent posts by Gemma Walford
2 min read
Thomson Reuters Company Secretary Forum 2019 and prize draw winner!
By Gemma Walford on 02/12/19 15:37
Last week, Convene sponsored the Forum and heard how the role of Company Secretary needs to change to meet the challenges faced by 21st century boards.
Topics: Sustainability
2 min read
So you've gone paperless, but your platform ain't what it used to be
By Gemma Walford on 06/11/18 15:27
Today I visited Loughborough, by train, to train the meeting organisers and board of our latest housing association customer. They used to use BoardPad but found that since its acquisition by Diligent that the platform no longer lives up to expectations.
1 min read
Convene at the AoC West Midlands Clerks' Network - 10 October 2018
By Gemma Walford on 11/10/18 12:59
Yesterday, I attended an Association of Colleges West Midlands Clerks’ Network meeting for the first time at Telford College. The day started of well, with me getting to snap this beautiful example of English countryside scenery:
3 min read
There's nothing better than meeting long-term clients
By Gemma Walford on 21/06/18 12:32
On the 14th of June, we attended the National Housing Federation Governance Conference to exhibit our digital platform and board meeting app. This year's conference was all about getting a fresh perspective on leaner governance and more efficient housing associations, which meant that digitalisation was a key topic of discussion amongst the delegates.
Topics: Governance
3 min read
3 ways an electronic board portal can help school governors with GDPR.
By Gemma Walford on 15/05/18 11:56
Topics: Governance
2 min read
3 Tiers of Governance for Sports Bodies
By Gemma Walford on 23/11/16 10:15
Sports England released a new code of Governance on the 31st of October 2016, which applies to any sports organisation that is applying for or in receipt of funding via Sport England or the National Lottery.
The code is made up of 3 Tiers
Tier 1 organisations in receipt of any grant(s) up to £250K
Tier 2 organisations in receipt of grant(s) £250K to £1m
Tier 3 organisations in receipt of grant(s) totalling £1m or moreTopics: Governance
1 min read
New Conversations feature
By Gemma Walford on 21/11/16 12:45
I said it a bit too loud on my commute into work and half the carriage look round at me to see what it was I was looking at and then to wonder why I was talking to my ipad. What they were seeing was my first encounter with the ‘Conversations feature’ in the latest version of Convene. It is one of a number of updates that we have made to the system but much as I love the application it is probably the only one that would get me to shout out loud on the train.