4 min read

Convene At The 2022 CGI Governance Conference

By Lucy Palmer on 06/07/22 18:04

Topics: Governance

With the conference season in full swing, we headed over to the Chartered Governance Institute’s conference on governance. This was an exciting two-day event from 5-6 July, where we were able to talk about upcoming issues and opportunities in the world of governance.

The conference was built around three core themes: knowledge, values and practice. Here at Convene, these concepts are the foundation of our business practices. We use our technological knowledge to fulfil our values and create a comprehensive meeting solution with proven success in practice.

On the first day, we listened to talks on a range of themes, from audit to succession planning. Many of the conversations which took place at the conference were about perspective and the different forms it can take. 

With discussions on perspectives on best practice in corporate governance to a future-focused lens on compliance, governance professionals took a step back to look at the wider trends which influence all sectors.

There is no professional industry in which governance is not absolutely crucial. That’s why it’s so important for organisations to have a clear picture of how it fits into the design of their business practices. The conference was a great opportunity for us to think about the different forms these practices could take.

With over 30 years’ experience in promoting governance, even we had some useful takeaways from the conference. Most importantly, we once again had the fantastic visual artist Julia Miranda help us create a beautiful visual representation of what governance looks like to you! If you would like to see the finished product keep an eye on our LinkedIn and Instagram, or get in contact with us and we can send you a digital copy! 

Thank you to everyone involved! It was lovely to meet some old friends – as well as some potential new ones!

Our next conference will be the AUA’s Annual Conference and Exhibition, where we will be able to apply these insights to a rapidly evolving industry.

How Can Convene in Teams Support Your Organisation’s Governance?

Convene in Teams is a type of digital workplace designed to improve your governance processes. We integrated our award-winning Convene Board Portal with Microsoft Teams to create the ultimate digital workplace solution. This means your whole organisation can benefit from the advantages of a Board Portal and streamline their meeting processes. 

Whether formal or informal meetings, Convene in Teams allows you to collaborate simply across multiple channels. Users can take full advantage of Convene’s management features and Teams collaboration tools without the hassle of switching between applications.

Our comprehensive system promotes seamless communication, with numerous useful features, including:

  • Meeting pack builder, any meeting files within your OneDrive can be brought together with a simple drag-and-drop.
  • Secure Document Library to distribute files with role-based access to provide an extra layer of protection for shared or personal documents.
  • Annotation Features to make shared or private notes on files in the Document Library and meeting notes.
  • Action Items integrated into the Active Directory, meaning you will receive automatic reminders for tasks set out during meetings.
  • Auto-Generated Meeting Minutes so you can cut down on your administrative time.  They can be shared via the Document Library or a shared folder.
  • Integrated Video Conferencing, so you can look at meeting documents and follow along with the speaker on one screen.

If you’d like to learn more about how Convene in Teams enhances virtual collaboration, don’t hesitate to contact us and book a free demo today!  


Lucy Palmer

Written by Lucy Palmer

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