School Governance is no easy feat, and planning a lesson agenda is a very different task from planning a meeting agenda! Your time is limited enough, but here are the top 5 reasons why you should consider buying a Board Portal for your Senior Leadership Team in 2023/24.
Hisham Al-Ramah
Recent posts by Hisham Al-Ramah
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5 Reasons A Board Portal Is The New Essential Tool For Schools
By Hisham Al-Ramah on 30/08/23 11:28
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10 Top Tips For Working From Home
By Hisham Al-Ramah on 26/04/23 13:02
The working world has taken some unexpected turns in the last few years. Working from home has become the new normal, as well as remote meetings, and it seems for many organisations this trend will continue long into the future.
There are many opportunities that arise from working from home: no commuting; more time to complete home chores; travel and lunch financial savings; better work life balance. There are however, some down sides too, including increased feelings of isolation, work overload, and job dissatisfaction.
In order to combat these downsides of remote working, here’s our top tips for working from home and how you can make the most of it.
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Meeting Minutes: Do's and Don'ts
By Hisham Al-Ramah on 10/06/21 17:13
Meeting minutes are a crucial part of the meeting process. Find out how to create effective meeting minutes with our guide to the do's and don'ts of meeting minutes.
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Best Practices for Managing Meeting Records in 2021
By Hisham Al-Ramah on 17/05/21 14:11
Board portals are a great tool for facilitating meetings, and they also serve as repositories for documents, past meetings, and meeting minutes. Keeping records of past meetings is best practice for any organisation. But why would you keep records, what meetings should you keep a record of and how should these records be managed?
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5 ways a board portal can save you money in 2023
By Hisham Al-Ramah on 09/02/21 17:22
COVID-19 and the cost of living crisis has shaken up the world, and it is safe to say that almost every sector has been affected in some way. In hard times it is understandable that organisations will start to look for ways to rein in their spending.